is some more information on output, which should be just around the corner ..
should in fact leave the March 29 the second volume of the saga The Caster Chronicles: The Seventeenth moon of Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl .
After The sixteenth moon, the adventures of Lena Duchannes and Ethan Wate, all set in the anonymous town of Gatlin, who turns out to be much more mysterious and disturbing than it seems ...
Titolo: La luna diciassettesima
Autore: We Garcia, Margaret Stohl
Editore: Mondadori
Pagine: 492, rilegato
Prezzo: 16,00 €
ISBN: 9788804607526
Data di uscita:
29 marzo 2011
LA TRAMA -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Wate Ethan has always considered Gatlin, the small town where he lives, not a remote place where nothing ever happens and where nothing is going to change. Until the arrival of Lena Duchannes, a mysterious girl who has revealed the dark side of Gatlin and its inhabitants. But Gatlin is not watched as her secrets come to light ... Ethan and Lena are threatened by unexplained events and supernatural forces, and must deal with the ancient curse that hangs over the family for generations Duchannes. Pursued by strange apparitions that only he can see, Ethan is increasingly enmeshed in the intricate affairs of his city, and Lena, shaken by a tragic loss, it becomes every day more and more dark and unrecognizable. The combination of the two boys seems to crumble in front of the dramatic turn of events and Ethar, confused by the changes of Lena, he discovers hopelessly attracted by the beautiful Liv.
THE AUTRIC ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------

MARGARET STOHL si è laureata a Stanford in Letteratura Inglese e ha lavorato per più di dieci anni come designer e sceneggiatrice di videogames.
Entrambe vivono con le loro famiglie a Los Angeles, in California.
Un giorno, mentre erano fuori a prenzo, hanno avuto l'idea di scrivereBeautiful Creatures, il loro primo romanzo. Non avendo con loro niente su cui prendere appunti hanno abbozzato la storia su un mucchio di tovaglioli.
The saga The Chronicles Caster
currently consists of two volumes, and began with the novel The sixteenth moon.
The sixteenth moon
volume 1 of the saga
Pages: 528, bound
Price: 18.00 €
ISBN: 9788804607526
It is a wonderful creature, Lena: she's in love with Ethan as soon as he saw her get in his sleepy town. Not only is it beautiful, but also because she recognizes the hero in a dream that haunts his nights. The intimate connection between the two soon turns into love, but Lena has a secret: at the age of her sixteenth year, by a curse doomed to become a witch will be devoted to the black or white magic. The fate threatens to turn into a monster incapable of feeling compassion.
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