Scoperta di qualche minuto fa: il nuovo romanzo di Sarah Addison Allen, Giorni di zucchero fragole e neve , che sarebbe dovuto uscire il 16 marzo (così mi aveva detto la Sonzogno) è uscito proprio oggi !!
Notizia inaspettata (capita raramente che un libro esca prima del previsto) e gradita, anche se mi ha lasciato inizialmente un po' di sasso XD
Sono costretta anche ad annunciarvi che la cover non corrisponde a quella che avevo pubblicato nel post precedente , ma è questa:
A modern fairy tale, full of love and magic that has won hundreds of thousands of readers around the world Josey has three certainties: the winter is her favorite season, she is the classic example of a Southern belle, it's better to eat sweets on the sly. He lives in Bald Slope, the mountain village where she was born, locked in the old family home to look after his aged mother. But at night Josey has a secret life. He took refuge in stocks of room to eat sweets and stacks of romance novels. Until one day, mysteriously hidden in the closet from the closet, where the air smells of sugar, check exuberant lady who says he came to help. Who is that woman? Because his body smells like cigarette smoke and stagnant water? Because it seems to run away from something or someone? Josey will not have time to ask ourselves, that his little world is turned upside down. Find that in love and friendship in the certainties do not exist and that people, even the most expensive, are hiding something shameful. Accepting this challenge is the great proof that Josey must overcome. And she will be the beginning of a new life: his own.
HERE Read all the info of the book
Well, I just have to run out and buy ... earlier than expected ^ ^
Happy reading!