Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Much Does A Hernia Operation Cost

AGGIORNAMENTO POST"Giorni di zucchero fragole e neve" di Sarah Addison Allen

Scoperta di qualche minuto fa: il nuovo romanzo di Sarah Addison Allen, Giorni di zucchero fragole e neve , che sarebbe dovuto uscire il 16 marzo (così mi aveva detto la Sonzogno) è uscito proprio oggi !!
Notizia inaspettata (capita raramente che un libro esca prima del previsto) e gradita, anche se mi ha lasciato inizialmente un po' di sasso XD
Sono costretta anche ad annunciarvi che la cover non corrisponde a quella che avevo pubblicato nel post precedente , ma è questa:

A modern fairy tale, full of love and magic that has won hundreds of thousands of readers around the world Josey has three certainties: the winter is her favorite season, she is the classic example of a Southern belle, it's better to eat sweets on the sly. He lives in Bald Slope, the mountain village where she was born, locked in the old family home to look after his aged mother. But at night Josey has a secret life. He took refuge in stocks of room to eat sweets and stacks of romance novels. Until one day, mysteriously hidden in the closet from the closet, where the air smells of sugar, check exuberant lady who says he came to help. Who is that woman? Because his body smells like cigarette smoke and stagnant water? Because it seems to run away from something or someone? Josey will not have time to ask ourselves, that his little world is turned upside down. Find that in love and friendship in the certainties do not exist and that people, even the most expensive, are hiding something shameful. Accepting this challenge is the great proof that Josey must overcome. And she will be the beginning of a new life: his own.

HERE Read all the info of the book

Well, I just have to run out and buy ... earlier than expected ^ ^
Happy reading!

Chickenpox In Adults And Shower

USCITE DI MARZO"La ragazza gigante della contea di Aberdeen"

Exit 17 March this particular fantasy Zero91 published by the bizarre title Girl Giant of Aberdeen County .

Title: The girl giant of Aberdeen County
Author: Tiffany Baker

Publisher: Zero91
Pages: 416
Price: 18.90
ISBN : 9788895381374

Release Date:
March 17, 2011

LA TRAMA  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quando la madre di Truly Plaice rimase incinta, l’intera cittadina di Aberdeen si riunì per scommettere sul peso del nascituro che era stato capace di deformare così tanto la donna da farle assumere proporzioni epiche.
La giovane Truly avrebbe pagato il prezzo della sua enormità.
Suo padre la incolpava per la morte della madre avvenuta durante il parto ed era assolutamente mal equipaggiato per crescere la figlia gigante e sua sorella maggiore, nonché suo esatto opposto, Serena Jane, la personificazione della perfezione femminile.

Mentre le notevoli dimensioni di Truly la rendono oggetto di curiosità e umiliazioni costanti, la bellezza di Serena Jane si dimostra essere una benedizione e una maledizione at the same time.
Being the most beautiful girl in the city will in fact become an obsession with Bob Bob Morgan, the youngest of the clan of Morgan, doctors in Aberdeen for generations.

Bob Bob will launch a chain of events that will change the destiny of the whole contea.Crescendo, age and width Truly will increasingly tied to the fate of Serena Jane herself becoming one of the objectives of the intense interest Bob Bob.
Discovering the secret of the Morgan family, however, the Book of Shadows centuries old, hidden by Tabitha, his first wife-witch doctor will be able di trovare la chiave per il suo unico futuro possibile.

Armata dei pericolosi segreti del passato di Aberdeen, Truly affronterà presto decisioni morali in grado di cambiarle la vita.
Praticando i suoi rimedi curativi a base di erbe, si sentirà sempre più saldamente legata al cerchio della città, finché non verrà a conoscenza di una rivelazione così enorme da farla apparire minuscola.

Truly sarà costretta ad affrontare i propri demoni, ridefinire la pietà e prendere in considerazione la possibilità che l’amore non possa essere ordinato entro certe dimensioni.

IN BRIEF ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

There is the mysterious Legacy of Tabitha Dyerson, the healer - or witch - the country, who married Dr. Robert Morgan, a Civil War deserter. The sick of the city gathered around to Tabitha, whose herbal remedies cured many more patients than the scientific methods of her husband had ever done. It was said that Tabitha had left a''Book of Shadows,''a book with recipes for a witch all her potions. Although many have tried it, no one was ever able to find it ... until now. The reader follows the life of Truly's daughter, Tabitha, his times and his adventures. The subplots abound, as well as laughter, tears, the intrigues, lies and magic.

L'AUTRICE  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tiffany Baker lives a Tiburon, in California, con il marito e i tre figli. Questo è il suo primo romanzo.
La ricetta di Tiffany Baker per una vita da scrittrice:
Una manciata di isole:  Belvedere, Aquidneck, Balboa, Manhattan, Corsica, Maui, il Regno Unito.
Tre bambini piccoli:  due femmine e un maschio, paffuti sulle guance e sulle ginocchia. Testardi ma teneri quando vengono baciati.
A husband
an indecent amount of chocolate and coffee
The view overlooking a grassy hill and a old eucalyptus

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where Are There Diners In Poptropica?

USCITE DI MARZO"La diciassettesima luna" di Kami Garcia e Margaret Stohl

is some more information on output, which should be just around the corner ..
should in fact leave the March 29 the second volume of the saga The Caster Chronicles: The Seventeenth moon of Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl .
After The sixteenth moon, the adventures of Lena Duchannes and Ethan Wate, all set in the anonymous town of Gatlin, who turns out to be much more mysterious and disturbing than it seems ...

Titolo: La luna diciassettesima
Autore: We Garcia, Margaret Stohl

Editore:  Mondadori
Pagine:  492, rilegato
Prezzo:  16,00  € 
ISBN:  9788804607526

Data di uscita: 
29 marzo 2011

LA TRAMA  -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Wate Ethan has always considered Gatlin, the small town where he lives, not a remote place where nothing ever happens and where nothing is going to change. Until the arrival of Lena Duchannes, a mysterious girl who has revealed the dark side of Gatlin and its inhabitants. But Gatlin is not watched as her secrets come to light ... Ethan and Lena are threatened by unexplained events and supernatural forces, and must deal with the ancient curse that hangs over the family for generations Duchannes. Pursued by strange apparitions that only he can see, Ethan is increasingly enmeshed in the intricate affairs of his city, and Lena, shaken by a tragic loss, it becomes every day more and more dark and unrecognizable. The combination of the two boys seems to crumble in front of the dramatic turn of events and Ethar, confused by the changes of Lena, he discovers hopelessly attracted by the beautiful Liv.

Watch the book trailer book

THE AUTRIC ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------

Kami Garcia is a teacher part-time. It 's very superstitious and has a mountain of amulets. She loves movies catastrophic and could live with pizza and Diet Coke.
MARGARET STOHL si è laureata a Stanford in Letteratura Inglese e ha lavorato per più di dieci anni come designer e sceneggiatrice di videogames. 
Entrambe vivono con le loro famiglie a Los Angeles, in California.
Un giorno, mentre erano fuori a prenzo, hanno avuto l'idea di scrivereBeautiful Creatures, il loro primo romanzo. Non avendo con loro niente su cui prendere appunti hanno abbozzato la storia su un mucchio di tovaglioli.

LA SAGA  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The saga The Chronicles Caster
currently consists of two volumes, and began with the novel The sixteenth moon.

The sixteenth moon
volume 1 of the saga

Pages: 528, bound
Price: 18.00
ISBN: 9788804607526

It is a wonderful creature, Lena: she's in love with Ethan as soon as he saw her get in his sleepy town. Not only is it beautiful, but also because she recognizes the hero in a dream that haunts his nights. The intimate connection between the two soon turns into love, but Lena has a secret: at the age of her sixteenth year, by a curse doomed to become a witch will be devoted to the black or white magic. The fate threatens to turn into a monster incapable of feeling compassion.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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March 8: Best wishes to all women!

Sereno 8 marzo a tutte!!!

Stamattina, la mia  amica edicolante, per la festa della donna, mi ha regalato un fiore profumambienti, insieme c'era un bigliettino con questa storia:

Where Are There Restaurants In Poptropica?

Auguri e..giveaway primaverile?

Happy Women's Day my dear:) This is one of those posts that do not make much sense, I just wanted to talk a bit ', especially an idea that I have for a long time, or to do a giveaway. The giveaway is now found everywhere, usually I am involved so much fun, knowing that never, never win .. Anyway, I'm taking a few weeks by the little things to give away but do not decide whether or not the giveaway. There is one thing that stops me, the fact that usually those involved in the giveaway must subscribe to the blog (or channel or the page yt fb) before leaving the comment .. the thing that makes me think is that if I also put this 'rule' there will be some people (always che partecipi qualcuno) che mi seguiranno solo per il giveaway e non è una gran bella cosa..voi cosa ne pensate? la vedete come una cosa giusta? Volevo sapere il vostro parere :) Io personalmente amo guadagnarmi le cose con l'impegno e non mi va giù di ottenere followers solo per un concorsino..da una parte però trovo anche giusto che chi partecipa dia un 'contributo' di supporto al blog seguendolo. Per ora il regalo è composto solo da due ho intenzione di aggiungerne altre ♥ vi faccio ancora gli auguri e scappo che ho da fare, bacio*

Sebaceous Cyst From Tanning Bed

USCITE DI MARZO "Se l'amore non basta" di Allie Larkin

E 'release today an exciting new novel titled Piemme unequivocal: If love is not enough is evidently a romance centered on the adventures / misadventures of a young woman stuck tra un vecchio, impossibile, amore e una nuova possibilità.
Libro d'esordio di  Allie Larkin , Se l'amore non basta (titolo originale Stay ) è una storia d'amore, ma non solo dell'amore tra "umani"...

Titolo:  Se l'amore non basta
Autore:  Allie Larkin

Publisher: Piemme
Pages: 384, paperback
Price: 18.00
ISBN: 9788856613445

Release Date:
March 8, 2011

LA TRAMA  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What if the guy you are madly in love since the school is on the altar in front of you and is about to marry your best friend? Despair? Resign? Or devise a diabolical plan to blow up the marriage? None of these options is feasible for Savannah Clark, who chose to be a perfect maid and a friend fraternal jealousy within himself choking. But after the ceremony and reception, the unexpected visit of Peter, the groom, who fled from his first wife and the fateful night, he puts everything into question. He's drunk, upset, maybe he does not know what he says, but is about to confess to have been in love with her. A dream come true or the end of a friendship? Can not figure this one out: the declaration of his stuttering is interrupted by the mother of the bride and the moment of truth is returned to the newlyweds return from their honeymoon. Left alone with his anxiety, Savannah tries to forget Peter: just an evening of vodka and Rin Tin Tin to make his desperate need for affection and loyalty in the crazy and impulsive decision of ordering a German Shepherd puppy. A puppy of fifty pounds ... that will give you a lot 'of trouble, but also a new and fascinating knowledge: Dr. Alex Brandt, a handsome veterinarian with long blond hair and fantastic smile. And when Peter will return from their honeymoon, Savannah must decide whether to fulfill his dream of forever, or plunge into a new adventure of love.

L'AUTRICE  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Allie Larkin lives in Rochester with her husband, a cat and two wonderful German Shepherds.
lover of animals and nature, as well as in writing the author is committed to promoting environmental awareness, including through a website which is co-founder. If love is not enough, his first novel, has received rave reviews from the American press and much acclaim from the audience.

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RECENSIONE 'La principessa delle tempeste'

few words with the author

I just can not understand what sense to create a whole fantasy setting complete with mermaids, vampires, seal-women, men -rock, werewolves (And so on and so forth), then if the only thing mentioned in the book is sex, sex and more sex.
What is the plot of a broom and the other of the two protagonists? How to write a pro fantasy porn? Write a porno and just! So I think I have understood from the detailed descriptions that the vampire has everything you'd find in a normal man. Even hamsters (no comment).
In short, the book is decidedly single-themed. And that theme! We can say that this joke perfectly summarizes the leitmotif of the novel:
"You're almost too beautiful to fuck you, Jane. But this makes me want to fuck you even more. "
A disarming logic.
But even more surprising is the answer:
" Wow, "I murmured, while my desire geared fifth ...
Here, at this point I'd love to know, if possible, the woman who, faced with the subtlety of the reasoning above, picks up O_o
And, if I could have it before, we suggest, with much sympathy, to drop the gerbilling to be, rather, to whaling. And I'm not talking about fishing.