Good evening:) Today at the suggestion I want to talk a bit 'of what is my''diet''by introducing the topic of healthy eating. Given that 2011 is coming and that ended the lunches e i cenoni più impegnativi, quale momento migliore per rimettersi in gioco partendo proprio dal fisico? Prima di addentrarmi nello specifico del discorso volevo però dire che tutti i miei consigli sono da prendersi come tali. Non sono una nutrizionista, tanto meno una dietologa! quello che mi sento di condividere con voi è basato su anni di esperienza e basta.
Parte 1- Miti da sfatare
E' incredibile perché ci sono miti da sfatare un po' ovunque, in qualsiasi ambito, perfino parlando di alimentazione ci sono convinzioni assurde da sfatare una volta per tutte.
1. Per avere un fisico sano è necessario essere magre.
NO. Allora, per avere un fisico you need to follow a healthy variety of food preference to foods that are good to our body and physical activity. These are the most important things. The thinness is not always synonymous with health, and, unfortunately, very often the opposite.
2. To lose weight you must deprive yourself of food and eating as little as possible.
NO. If you are without food, the consequences are disastrous. Point one, the physical weakening because every day our body needs in small portions, to take everything they need (excuse the pun). Second point, if you think proper nutrition as a deprivation, and then something negative, always aiming to make common mistakes that are usually overly abundant meal or a few weeks of diet and then return to eating as before if not more than before.
3. Make lots of physical activity and eating very little is good.
NO. Physical activity should not be counterproductive. Physical activity should go hand in hand with the proper intake of food but above all it must go hand in hand with our needs, no need to exceed in what, the best thing, even with regard to physical activity constant is the commitment, regularity, and the balance of the practice over time.
Part 2 - The food pyramid
E' snobbata da molti ma io la trovo necessaria ed intelligente, soprattutto perché non esclude niente ma mette delle priorità ben precise, è proprio questo che seguendo un'alimentazione corretta si cerca di fare :) Lo sapete, la piramide si legge in ordine di importanza dal basso verso l'alto.
La prima cosa da fare e che posso consigliare di fare è osservare bene il modo in cui mangiate e confrontarlo con la piramide: Quanto sbilanciamento c'è fra quello che mangiate durante l'arco della settimana (o del giorno) e quello che secondo la piramide dovrebbe essere mangiato? Il primo passo per un cambiamento è scoprire dove si commettono degli sbagli. Once you understand where is exceeded, you can start working:) I have made many mistakes in the past, unfortunately (I will talk about in another post), but since I started to change their mentality in this sense, my weight, party particular moments in which they are fattened up a bit 'thinner or a bit', has remained stable. And for me the stability matters most.
Part 3 - Tips and sample various diet
There are no secrets to reveal to achieve a balance with their physical, is a matter of personal journey, but I can try to advise you what is taking as example the My current diet that alternate with the seasons, Winter le cose che si mangiano sono diverse rispetto all'estate e viceversa.
Frutta e verdura (di stagione ovviamente)
Per quanto riguarda la frutta vi consiglio di mangiare in minore quantità i frutti più dolci come per esempio la pera, senza però eliminarli miraccomando. La verdura invece va bene tutta, zucchine e carote sono un classico! d'inverno puntate su cavolfiore, broccoli, peperoni, e carciofi, mentre d'estate meglio andare sul leggero con pomodori, insalata, melanzane, finocchi e fagiolini. La verdura così come la frutta fa sempre bene e se reperibile può essere mangiata sempre. Verdura : La mangio massimo due volte al giorno, minimo una volta alone every day. Fruit : Twice a day, morning and afternoon as a snack between meals ever.
cereals, pasta and bread
I only eat them for breakfast cereals to start the body in the right way:) All going well, my favorites are the classic special K. Pasta is the food you eat less absolute but as a good rule I have not deleted! I eat only once a week, 70 grams, full, or with vegetables topped with homemade tomato sauce, only for lunch (carbohydrates better take on the day so you have more time to digest the energy in the afternoon). The bread I eat Only full or cereal, in part by 60 grams, preferably at lunch.
Legumes Legumes are an integral part of my diet, eat them, especially in winter because they are very nutritious. My favorites: Lentils and Chickpeas. The vegetable soups can be considered as a complete meal.
fish, eggs and meat
In the past I've been a vegetarian for two and a half years, then I started to eat both meat and fish, albeit in very small quantities and very rarely. Recently, I was seriously thinking about stopping again to eat meat and fish, in each case, the advice to you if you love meat is to favor white meat rather than red. The eggs I eat more than once a week, hard-boiled or scrambled.
Dairy Milk is extremely important. I drink semi-skimmed milk every morning and sometimes in the evening before bedtime. The rest of dairy products like yogurt and cheeses do not eat the yogurt every now and then, only skinny:)
Other foods
sweets, fried things, the most elaborate dishes, do not follow the diet sound, however, should not be eliminated altogether, once a week for me as I allow myself to eat delicious things like a beautiful pizza, flat bread or a nice summer gelatone:)
The oil should be applied only to raw because cooking is not good. The right dose is about 2-3 teaspoons, take a big spoon and it's perfect. The oil must never be deleted because otherwise destabilizes bowel regularity:) try not to use oil for a week and then we'll talk about. The salt would be better to avoid it, instead I use herbs and spices.
cooking Steaming is what I would suggest, preserves the properties of food and is healthy. The grilling just does not require the use of oil and so I recommend it.
To lose weight properly and to stay in shape I highly recommend running or swimming. The race, also seen as a very fast walk (jogging) can be practiced without any problems, just find a few minutes a day off:) but swimming is the sport that there may be more healthy, involves the use of whole body and the physical in the long run becomes very dry. If you need to lose weight will not recommend the gym, so all the exercises, which tend to harden the muscles. Before you lose weight with a free sport, then firm up the muscles with tools . The two things do not go together very well:) I just do jogging, maximum 15 minutes per day, and pilates at home every evening following the video. I do not have the physique of an athlete who knows what I'm good but moving.
For this post I think I have nothing more to add or risk writing until tomorrow: D I hope will assist you in this introduction, the topic is so vast that it is impossible to write a little, the next post I hope will be more short:) Kiss *
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