Friday, December 31, 2010

What Kind Of Engineer Builds Technology?

... now what? Alphabets!

Ho voglia di mostrarvi qualche bell'alfabeto!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Install Windowsblinds

Scrub Idratante al miele

the skin off , opaque and tends to dry , I always honey scrub. I insert it almost always in my face cleansing homemade, is a scrub that can easily be made with ingredients that are always around the kitchen, all natural, it is also absurd simplicity of it. The method I'm about to describe I discovered watching a video of Michelle Phan :) in the video she uses a larger amount of ingredients, I personally I decrease the dose because I do enough for one application:

  • Honey (1 generous teaspoon)
  • Granulated sugar (1 teaspoon nice fat)
  • olive oil or extra virgin olive oil (1 teaspoon full)

Olive oil is not occlusive, after trying it in different masks, scrubs etc.. I can assure you: It is not comedogenic ! the oil molecules are simply too large to be absorbed by the pores of the skin:)

Once put together the ingredients, mix well and apply on face and massage gently, I will also step on the lips. Once the massage, we need to wash well possibly face with cold water so as not to dilate the pores with the hot water. After washing and drying the face, the skin is extremely soft, smooth and radiant. The peculiarity of this scrub is the olive oil that leaves skin a bit ' satin, this effect at the beginning gave me very annoyed because it seemed I had not washed her face in the right way, then over time I realized that it is just a feature of the scrub, nothing more.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wearing Heels After Forefoot Arthroplasty

Alimentazione corretta - Introduzione e consigli generali.

Good evening:) Today at the suggestion I want to talk a bit 'of what is my''diet''by introducing the topic of healthy eating. Given that 2011 is coming and that ended the lunches e i cenoni più impegnativi, quale momento migliore per rimettersi in gioco partendo proprio dal fisico? Prima di addentrarmi nello specifico del discorso volevo però dire che tutti i miei consigli sono da prendersi come tali. Non sono una nutrizionista, tanto meno una dietologa! quello che mi sento di condividere con voi è basato su anni di esperienza e basta.

Parte 1- Miti da sfatare
E' incredibile perché ci sono miti da sfatare un po' ovunque, in qualsiasi ambito, perfino parlando di alimentazione ci sono convinzioni assurde da sfatare una volta per tutte.

1. Per avere un fisico sano è necessario essere magre.
NO. Allora, per avere un fisico you need to follow a healthy variety of food preference to foods that are good to our body and physical activity. These are the most important things. The thinness is not always synonymous with health, and, unfortunately, very often the opposite.
2. To lose weight you must deprive yourself of food and eating as little as possible.
NO. If you are without food, the consequences are disastrous. Point one, the physical weakening because every day our body needs in small portions, to take everything they need (excuse the pun). Second point, if you think proper nutrition as a deprivation, and then something negative, always aiming to make common mistakes that are usually overly abundant meal or a few weeks of diet and then return to eating as before if not more than before.
3. Make lots of physical activity and eating very little is good.
NO. Physical activity should not be counterproductive. Physical activity should go hand in hand with the proper intake of food but above all it must go hand in hand with our needs, no need to exceed in what, the best thing, even with regard to physical activity constant is the commitment, regularity, and the balance of the practice over time.

Part 2 - The food pyramid
E' snobbata da molti ma io la trovo necessaria ed intelligente, soprattutto perché non esclude niente ma mette delle priorità ben precise, è proprio questo che seguendo un'alimentazione corretta si cerca di fare :) Lo sapete, la piramide si legge in ordine di importanza dal basso verso l'alto.

La prima cosa da fare e che posso consigliare di fare è osservare bene il modo in cui mangiate e confrontarlo con la piramide: Quanto sbilanciamento c'è fra quello che mangiate durante l'arco della settimana (o del giorno) e quello che secondo la piramide dovrebbe essere mangiato? Il primo passo per un cambiamento è scoprire dove si commettono degli sbagli. Once you understand where is exceeded, you can start working:) I have made many mistakes in the past, unfortunately (I will talk about in another post), but since I started to change their mentality in this sense, my weight, party particular moments in which they are fattened up a bit 'thinner or a bit', has remained stable. And for me the stability matters most.

Part 3 - Tips and sample various diet
There are no secrets to reveal to achieve a balance with their physical, is a matter of personal journey, but I can try to advise you what is taking as example the My current diet that alternate with the seasons, Winter le cose che si mangiano sono diverse rispetto all'estate e viceversa.
Frutta e verdura (di stagione ovviamente)
Per quanto riguarda la frutta vi consiglio di mangiare in minore quantità i frutti più dolci come per esempio la pera, senza però eliminarli miraccomando. La verdura invece va bene tutta, zucchine e carote sono un classico! d'inverno puntate su cavolfiore, broccoli, peperoni, e carciofi, mentre d'estate meglio andare sul leggero con pomodori, insalata, melanzane, finocchi e fagiolini. La verdura così come la frutta fa sempre bene e se reperibile può essere mangiata sempre. Verdura : La mangio massimo due volte al giorno, minimo una volta alone every day. Fruit : Twice a day, morning and afternoon as a snack between meals ever.
cereals, pasta and bread
I only eat them for breakfast cereals to start the body in the right way:) All going well, my favorites are the classic special K. Pasta is the food you eat less absolute but as a good rule I have not deleted! I eat only once a week, 70 grams, full, or with vegetables topped with homemade tomato sauce, only for lunch (carbohydrates better take on the day so you have more time to digest the energy in the afternoon). The bread I eat Only full or cereal, in part by 60 grams, preferably at lunch.
Legumes Legumes are an integral part of my diet, eat them, especially in winter because they are very nutritious. My favorites: Lentils and Chickpeas. The vegetable soups can be considered as a complete meal.
fish, eggs and meat
In the past I've been a vegetarian for two and a half years, then I started to eat both meat and fish, albeit in very small quantities and very rarely. Recently, I was seriously thinking about stopping again to eat meat and fish, in each case, the advice to you if you love meat is to favor white meat rather than red. The eggs I eat more than once a week, hard-boiled or scrambled.
Dairy Milk is extremely important. I drink semi-skimmed milk every morning and sometimes in the evening before bedtime. The rest of dairy products like yogurt and cheeses do not eat the yogurt every now and then, only skinny:)
Other foods
sweets, fried things, the most elaborate dishes, do not follow the diet sound, however, should not be eliminated altogether, once a week for me as I allow myself to eat delicious things like a beautiful pizza, flat bread or a nice summer gelatone:)
The oil should be applied only to raw because cooking is not good. The right dose is about 2-3 teaspoons, take a big spoon and it's perfect. The oil must never be deleted because otherwise destabilizes bowel regularity:) try not to use oil for a week and then we'll talk about. The salt would be better to avoid it, instead I use herbs and spices.
cooking Steaming is what I would suggest, preserves the properties of food and is healthy. The grilling just does not require the use of oil and so I recommend it.
To lose weight properly and to stay in shape I highly recommend running or swimming. The race, also seen as a very fast walk (jogging) can be practiced without any problems, just find a few minutes a day off:) but swimming is the sport that there may be more healthy, involves the use of whole body and the physical in the long run becomes very dry. If you need to lose weight will not recommend the gym, so all the exercises, which tend to harden the muscles. Before you lose weight with a free sport, then firm up the muscles with tools . The two things do not go together very well:) I just do jogging, maximum 15 minutes per day, and pilates at home every evening following the video. I do not have the physique of an athlete who knows what I'm good but moving.

For this post I think I have nothing more to add or risk writing until tomorrow: D I hope will assist you in this introduction, the topic is so vast that it is impossible to write a little, the next post I hope will be more short:) Kiss *

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tanning Stickers Letters

I wish ....

there are less than two months that my blog will turn 1 year!
I'd be happy to celebrate with you, so I decided to launch a blog candy.

To participate you must subscribe to my little contest, following these rules:

* a wish to leave this post

* advertise my candy on your blog, you can find by entering the banner at the beginning of the post and
leave a link to your blog , if you miss banner advertising, registration will be invalid!

* Who has a blog, but joined the forum "Blue World" will also participate, sending only the message of good wishes.

*Saranno accettati gli auguri che perverranno entro il 19 febbraio 2011 e il 20 avverrà l'estrazione.

Il premio?
Ci sto pensando...

Spero che sarete in tante ad unirvi a me per festeggiare!!!


It 's very welcome the participation of non-Italian friends!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Costco Ski Ticket For Telluride

Buone feste :)

To anyone reading this post, but in particular for girls since the beginning of my adventure have always politely commented on the post, really hope my heart good holidays, Merry Christmas, good start to 2011! a big kiss and hug a mega to you all.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Neck Pain And Cant Look To One Side

Garnier Fructis - Oleo Repair balsamo crema fortificante

What I am to speak is my absolute favorite balm. There is EcoBio, indeed the EcoBio sees through the telescope at the distant, but I could not tell you about it because I love it bluntly. This balm comes in pack of 200 ml, and 2-euro price on something. E 'can be found in any supermarket and the deals can be purchased at a price much lower. E 'designed for dry, damaged and dull because within it are well 3 oils : Olive, Avocado and Shea . It might seem very heavy but I assure you that as a statement for someone like me, has tips for dry hair is really perfect, no overhead, detangles and nourishes divinely. As a balm I apply only on the length , do not use it very often because he has no INCI fantastic, but when I use my hair thank me. It 's a very special balm, apart scent that I find very pleasant and fruity , I noticed that the result on my naturally wavy hair is to make waves more defined and shiny . The Oleo repair then in the case of wavy hair is not limited to unravel how un qualsiasi altro balsamo, ma definisce le onde. Nel caso dei capelli liscissimi e capelli ricci, non so dirvi quale sia il risultato, c'è da dire però che se è adatto ai capelli mossi forse non è consigliatissimo per chi vuole solo un balsamo districante come potrebbe essere lo splend'or al cocco. Vediamo l'INCI


As you can see the INCI is pretty devastated, there are several different dyes and preservatives super pollutants (I am not clear if that is a silicone ..!). Dimethylamine Certainly not a balm that I use every day, I use it when I want to have a little hair more presentable than usual:) The only flaw of the products or EcoBio all'ecobio approaching it is to treat the hair but make it very presentable. Since we are at Christmas I told myself, try something from it is absolutely tending all'ecobio, sometimes you can even make an exception to the rule:) I'm going. * Kisses

Friday, December 17, 2010

Free Wisconsin Drivers License Template

Brrrrr ... that cold!

Outside it is snowing ... What's better than some pattern on winter?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kettle Chips Australia

Capelli sani e forti con alimentazione corretta

Good afternoon girls) with my unexpected return I want to talk specifically supply more 'right' to get strong and healthy hair. Why yes, it is important to speak of products, devices, treatment 'outside', but it is also right to speak and essential care 'interior' for our physical appearance. Under the assumption (obviously) who feel good about your body (and mind) you must follow a varied and balanced diet , what are the foods that are particularly good for our hair ? It 's very simple, all foods that contain in particular: The
  • vitamins such as B6 (pyridoxine) and H (biotin). The
  • as amino acids cystine, methionine and lysine.
  • I such as iron ore and copper.
These are the key elements to be sure of being right and proper way to foster in our hair:) then clear that all vitamins are fine, from vitamin A, C, E.. vitamins are always good. I am not an expert in this field but do not think I am wrong in saying that a diet rich in vitamins can not do anything but good. So, that said, what foods contain the above vitamins, amino acids and minerals? Council to look at this site that present properties and nutritional value of foods . For example, try vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B6 can be found mainly in cereal . As you can see from the list, this vitamin is present in many types cereal, I personally always eat breakfast at the Kellogg's All-Bran because since I started eating well known that the hair is noticeably less robust and tend to fall on top.
As for the cystine and methionine in general can be found in the egg, bran, meat, oats and dried fruit. However, I refer you to the consultation on the nutritional value of the site which lists many other foods that contain these proteins. I also use a food supplement based on their cystine and methionine, which is the one Biomineral , Highly recommended, it really helps so much is the hair nails. For

quanto riguarda il ferro e il rame:
  •  Il ferro è comunemente associato all'assunzione di carne. Questo perché la carne è un alimento che moltissime persone consumano ogni settimana, un po' come la pasta. Non per questo però la carne è l'alimento che contiene più ferro in assoluto, anzi. Ai primi posti troviamo erbe essiccate , quindi spezie, che recentemente ho comprato sotto forma di mix per condire i cibi al posto del sale, buonissime ve le consiglio se vi piacciono i sapori diversi e aromatici (timo, rosmarino, maggiorana, finocchio ecc.). Il ferro possiamo trovarlo anche nell' avena , nei cereali, nelle verdure, in alcuni legumi. Insomma, iron = meat is a myth to dispel. It 's true that if you stop eating meat you end up having an iron deficiency, but this only happens if you replace the meat with the necessary food. I am very good instead of meat that cook the lentils just seasoned with Provencal herbs which I have spoken before:)
  • The copper just as the iron found in meat, fish, eggs, cereals but not all. For example copper containing mushrooms, sesame, chocolate, cocoa, and even nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts. The list of foods to copper is endless so be visited, I made a very general discourse. For now
I do not have something else in mind to be able to add, these are the basic tricks that I know if you want to cure a healthy and fair hair. New post soon (I'm happy to finally update the blog). * Kisses

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Kind Of Drug Test Does Viejas Casino Have

Non ci posso credere :)

Festeggiamooooo :) I'm too happy! maybe some of you have read the comment left by me in previous posts, here's what he said (they were moments 'dramatic' so to speak)
November 16, 2010
girls are the girl who wrote on this blog .. I've done a mess, I forgot the password to access blogger and by failing to specify an alternative email me where to send the pass recovery I lost the chance to enter my account :((((( unfortunately I can not even answer the security question .. I'm really bad. I got this new account and wishing I could start over making a new blog but does not make much sense. I tried to contact several times but the administration does not want to give me a new password .. they are probably afraid of someone who wants to steal my account . .. What about whatever happens to end up (not good but I still hope) I want to thank the girls who followed me, you are truly amazing .. If there is news I will write more comments ..: (in case any of you had suggestions can leave a comment ..
kisses dear
After one month, thousands of attempts to give me a new password, an attempted launch of a new blog (canceled almost immediately) with new account, and sclera various life crises, I managed to access my account. Now if I tell you that, certainly think they are from immediate hospitalization and in fact even I understand how you can:) I can still hardly believe it. In short, everything starts a little over an hour ago. As always, demoralized, I was trying to complete yet another form recovery password, when it occurs to me that I might try for the millionth time to answer the security question. La domanda di sicurezza è un vero dilemma per chi come me ha una memoria praticamente nulla. Se uno si scorda la password figuriamoci la domanda di sicurezza. Fatto sta che prova e riprova, tenta e ritenta..ho azzeccato la risposta :D mi è venuta come un lampo improvviso e non potete immaginare come mi sono sentita quando è apparsa la schermata per reimpostare la password nuova! Sono molto contenta in questo momento, non potete immaginare quanto. Questo blog significa molto per me, non riuscivo ad accettare l'idea di perderlo e non poter più scrivere. Lo so, si tratta pur sempre di un non è solo questo, perderlo avrebbe significato privarmi della possibilità di condividere con voi i miei pareri, non avrei più potuto leggere i vostri advice and comments .. in short, a blog is not just a blog:) I hope to update very soon, very soon. * Big kiss

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What Does The Hymen Look Like Drawing

How nice Christmas!

Here's another bit 'of minischemi