Test sugli animali, INCI, ecobio
Hello girls, I do not feel very well tonight, you who are tired .. milk, biscuits, and a post on the blog are the best thing to try to get better. The topic I want to talk today focuses primarily on four topics: Animal testing, the EcoBio, the INCI and vegetarianism. If you read the post on Nutrition you will know that I was vegetarian for quite a long time in my life, but then I started to eat meat and fish. I wanted to go deeper with you my beliefs about it and explain what it means to adopt a lifestyle completely different from what we've always had and it often goes away. To me this is a very serious talk, I explain why. I love animals. But it's not that I love them in the sense that I like and I find them cute. With animals I've always had a special relationship, I always found myself more at home with them than people! I love their company and I love to take care of them if it happens. When three years ago I decided to stop eating meat and fish (and for a period other animal derivatives) was born spontaneously in my decision logically, if you feel close to another living being, not eat it, right? this was what I thought and still think. However, be or become a vegetarian is one of the hardest things ever to be put into practice, unfortunately the inconsistency is always around the corner at the expense of the good will of those who seek to cambiare. Viviamo in una società complessa dove anche solo andare al supermercato per un vegetariano o vegano diventa un'impresa! finché parliamo esclusivamente del cibo, non ci sono problemi, basta evitarlo. Stessa cosa per i cosmetici o prodotti per l'estetica in generale, si cerca di imparare a leggere l'INCI, si cercano prodotti non testati su animali. Quando però si tratta di acquistare prodotti per la casa, ad esempio, molti ignorano che dietro al prodotto si cela sofferenza e uccisione da parte dei vivisettori nei confronti delle cavie animali. Quando andiamo in farmacia e chiediamo un farmaco, molti ignorano quanti animali sono stati sottoposti a sofferenza per ottenere quella medicina. Finché si ignora, si vive bene, è quando si decide to know that you make choices that in some cases, like mine, go against nature. I can not avoid taking drugs, because I have no other way (or rather not know any other way) to treat me even when I have a fever. I can not avoid buying a detergent, just because I do not know other ways to properly wash the dishes. I can and try to make smart choices with regard to aesthetics (no animal testing, good INCI, possibly EcoBio), clothing (no leather, fur or animal hair), and I could even make intelligent choices regarding the food (no meat or fish). But I always inconsistent person, a person who pretends not to know. A person who follows his ideas and principles in half. For this reason they are no longer vegetarian. We try to avoid the possible but unfortunately there is always something that cares , starting for example from dishwashing detergents, products for washing machine, the absorbent underwear (I swear I'm not kidding ..) and who so on and so forth. I refer you to this page to learn more about the 'death list '. All this talk makes me sad on a incredible, you can not imagine, especially because of the vivisection pictures I've seen plenty of them, a more atrocious than the other. It 's sad to know to have no other way of life. I had my way, I'd stay in the country and the life that I would in times gone by, when you eat vegetables and fruits of their land and if you had to kill an animal it was done to advance an entire family, not to satisfy the vanity of hundreds of women. As for medical research, I will not talk because I do not know well the topic, I always believe that when you do not know something well it's better not to discuss it too much or you will only create confusion and damage. What I wonder, reading also the site of no vivisection, is how it is possible that even in 2011, when the scientific and medical research have made great strides (alas, thanks to helpless animals), researchers are still faced to use animals as guinea pigs? I can not believe that there are no alternatives, I refuse to believe . It is probably easier and less expensive to test on defenseless animals, rather than finding an alternative method. I do not know me any other explanation and I repeat, do not know well the topic so I'll stop here. What I think is almost abstract in this post, I wanted to do with more clarity and more specifically to explain my choices:) that's why many times I repeat that I'm not a girl devoted exclusively all'ecobio the reasons I tried to bring them all in this interminable post. And I must say, sadness aside, I'm even better. But now I go at night * When I
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