The "translator" of the job
Like many people, probably, you're desperate for a job
The web and print media are full of ads and it seems that finding a job is not that difficult.
The untrained eye is an illusion that there are a lot of job opportunities, but if it was all so beautiful, then why the
unemployment is skyrocketing?
In my search for a job I had a good experience on the field and then I made a instant translator
of job listings.
Very often these ads are hiding behind a completely different reality, if not actual fraud!
words that seem harmless mask something else.
If you do not want to waste time and money, maybe this will be my guide you
helpful. Usually in this type of work requires the packaging of necklaces, belts or the like at home. We provide "great and immediate profits," and in fact when you get the brochure with the description of work, seems like a good job or at least an opportunity to supplement their income.
What's the catch? First
ask you now to make a contribution
for the material on which you have to work (about 150 €).
Following the delivery of the package to find out that this "fantastic" job you thought you would have earned at least € 06.05 per hour, actually makes you something like € 1-2 per hour. The description of
differs completely from life and you know immediately that you have cheated.
Your requests for explanations from the company in turn will be vain and do not lose out in health, money and time to give up. And the joke continues ...
- Job which requires attendance at a course organized by the company to pay the same
On this type of listing, there is very little to say. Needless to say that the chances of being included in the body are close to 0%. And meanwhile you let the 1000 or 2000 € ... All
another matter when the company in question offers free training courses
investing so personally.
These are among my favorite! Who in life sooner or later there came across?
They hide behind ads like "Do you want to achieve your financial independence?" "Looking for a simple part-time work to be done at home?", "Become an entrepreneur yourself" and things like that.
You can guess that you came across a
network - marketing by their reluctance to explain what is working.
In fact, almost always to your initial request of the description of the work (the request that it seems more than legitimate), we are told that it is currently not possible to provide guidance and, if you want to know more, you'll come back tomorrow X the super mega conference organized usually in some hotel.
The environment is generally quite "pumped" and vaunted stratospheric gains in a few months, lavorando poco o niente. Piano piano scopri che il sistema si basa sulla famosa
catena di sant'Antonio e che le possibilità di guadagno esistono... per chi ha inventato il sistema!
Sul network marketing prossimamente dedicherò un post a parte
- Gli annunci a ciclo continuo
Dicesi "annunci a ciclo continuo" tutte quelle
offerte di lavoro che ritrovi costantemente , mese dopo mese, anno dopo anno, sul giornale.
La domanda che devi porti è questa:" Possibile che con la fame di lavoro che c'è questa ditta non abbia ancora trovato il personale dopo 2-3 anni?"
Le cose son due.
O stanno cercando un ingegnere nucleare con master in fisica Quantum and maybe less than 23 years, or you can be sure that the work in question is probably underpaid and exploited.
A good job goes away like water in the desert.
- ads which offers € 5000 per month for inexperienced personnel.
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