Rivelazioni del mese - Ottobre: Olio di Karité Equilibra
Buon pomeriggio :) era già un po' che non aggiornavo, questo perché ho provato diversi prodotti ed ho voluto aspettare la fine del mese per parlarvene. Oggi do il via a quella che sarà una catena di post mensili che tratteranno le caratteristiche e tutto quello che c'è da sapere sui prodotti che più mi hanno colpita, positivamente ovvio. Il primo prodotto di cui voglio parlarvi per il mese di Ottobre è dell' Equilibra , Olio di Karité Idratante dopo doccia con Avena e Salvia . Ho comprato questo olio perché I tried something just super moisturizer after the shower or bath, my body skin is quite dry and it needs to be very hydrated. Oil Shea of \u200b\u200bthis line is a 100% pure vegetable oil, oats and sage inside help to tone up and make the skin very soft as well as a moisturizer and keep hydrated. The package is 100 ml, so not very big, but considering that it is an oil and then uses it just for the application, the product can last for months (I use it for weeks and I've eaten very little.) This product is very moisturizing , there is no doubt about this. I shower every day and I assure you that any day to another the skin remains moisturized and soft, not dry. Typically for dry skin tends to make me the cracks and rough skin on the legs and arms from when I apply the oil shea but I have never had this problem. The consistency of the goods is yes, oily, but not excessively so, and I was struck by this, I do not like the oils in general and then at the time of purchase I was not sure of my choice .. I had to Fortunately, think again. The Inci is completely green (there is a parfum unspecified but I do not think anything so severe), here it is.
Insomma è un buon prodotto, di certo non ve lo consiglio se avete la pelle del corpo tendente ad essere grassa, perché con un olio sopra peggiorereste la cosa. Però se avete problemi di secchezza in particolare sulle gambe o sulle braccia, quest'olio è fantastico. Anche la profumazione è buonissima, a me piace parecchio :) amo il profumo del burro di karité. What else? nothing. Soon new updates with other products .. a kiss *
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Used Zumex Orange Juicers
I've got taste!!
My friend Joan, has launched a blog candy for Christmas ... and I jumped!
The link of his blog is:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How Do Youget On Runescape At School
Fitocose - Review primo ordine
been a few weeks after the arrival of my first order Fitocose , now is the time to review the products and talk about my impressions about . First, what fitocose? The fitocose is a laboratory for bio-ecocosmesi that manufactures products for skin care, personal hygiene, hair care and so on. with ingredients of vegetable origin and therefore organic, absolutely not tested on animals, completely natural. The Fitocose is' a small company, founded sulla qualità dei prodotti piuttosto che sulla quantità, si può acquistare tramite il loro sito e pagare come meglio si crede. La spedizione è piuttosto lunga come tempi ma vi posso assicurare che ne vale la pena. Detto questo, il mio primo ordine è stato veramente minimo, ho preferito provare pochi prodotti e vedere se ne valeva la pena oppure no. Prima di ordinare ho fatto il checkup sul sito e controllato bene la sezione sulle caratteristiche della pelle in modo tale da potermi orientare senza troppi problemi fra le tante creme e altri cosmetici. C'è da dire però che nonostante il checkup e la conoscenza della pelle, è difficile trovare subito la crema o qualsiasi altro prodotto che sia that really suits our skin, it is necessary to make more orders. This point should pursue it later in your post. Meanwhile, here's a picture with all prodottini.
from left: Gel eye all'Eufrasia, Hamamelis Cleansing Milk, Cream with Aloe and Azulene, plus 3 free sample chosen by me (fitocose this lovely opportunity to try free for 3 champions of any product you want) or Brufocrema, Rusco gel, cream all'Ippocastano.
Before turning to individual reviews of products, some details:
1) Eye Gel all'Eufrasia - I do not I've never used eye in my life, but given my super dark circles in recent times, I decided to take this gel that serves as a moisturize the eye area, spread it, make it more smooth. The product is contained in a jar with dispenser zic, very comfortable though perhaps goes a bit 'too much product. The application is simple, just apply the gel around the eyes until it is completely absorbed, usually makes a schiumettina white is still massaging asssorbita. The scent is pleasant. Needless to say I'm very excited about this fantastic product, really. My eye always very dark and red, are much more clear and not at the first cry mercy look. This is the first thing I noticed, perhaps much of the moisturizer! but it is certainly true that just because the moisture helps the stretch immediately feel a sensation of freshness unique paradise for people like me who always has the feeling of tired eyes and heavy.
2) Hamamelis Cleansing Milk - This is the perfect cleanser for my skin. E 'suitable for combination skin and delicate, not overly fat, the consistency is right, not too thin not too dense, it smells very good. Spread it is indeed a pleasure, it is soft and fluffy and just very little to the face. When washing the skin reddens in the least, Indeed, it remains very soft and smooth, moisturized. I recommend it to those who can not bear very much aggressive products that are filled with red blotches face.
3) Cream Aloe and Azulene - I state that with the cream, I messed in full, the wrong choice. Aloe and Azulene cream is suitable for sensitive skins that react to stimuli such as temperature changes and emotional changes, is a cream suitable for easily irritated skin. It has a really nice color the blue, right consistency, the application for this product will require minimum quantities. I choose the wrong because, although I realize that is a good product, good cream on my skin has created a mess, or a myriad of red dots under the skin. The reason is easily explained, my skin needs hydration to the limits of the impossible and this cream does not help me in this. It 's true, I have sensitive skin that reddens easily, but probably this is not my main feature. Putting this cream really felt that the skin did not want to absorb it, so that remained throughout the day with a layer of patina very annoying and strange. It 's a good cream for those who suffer very much because it protects against external influences, just that its protective action has prevented my skin to breathe, or hydrate. But only recommended for sensitive skin, I would not advise you to pelli miste.
4) I campioncini:
been a few weeks after the arrival of my first order Fitocose , now is the time to review the products and talk about my impressions about . First, what fitocose? The fitocose is a laboratory for bio-ecocosmesi that manufactures products for skin care, personal hygiene, hair care and so on. with ingredients of vegetable origin and therefore organic, absolutely not tested on animals, completely natural. The Fitocose is' a small company, founded sulla qualità dei prodotti piuttosto che sulla quantità, si può acquistare tramite il loro sito e pagare come meglio si crede. La spedizione è piuttosto lunga come tempi ma vi posso assicurare che ne vale la pena. Detto questo, il mio primo ordine è stato veramente minimo, ho preferito provare pochi prodotti e vedere se ne valeva la pena oppure no. Prima di ordinare ho fatto il checkup sul sito e controllato bene la sezione sulle caratteristiche della pelle in modo tale da potermi orientare senza troppi problemi fra le tante creme e altri cosmetici. C'è da dire però che nonostante il checkup e la conoscenza della pelle, è difficile trovare subito la crema o qualsiasi altro prodotto che sia that really suits our skin, it is necessary to make more orders. This point should pursue it later in your post. Meanwhile, here's a picture with all prodottini.
from left: Gel eye all'Eufrasia, Hamamelis Cleansing Milk, Cream with Aloe and Azulene, plus 3 free sample chosen by me (fitocose this lovely opportunity to try free for 3 champions of any product you want) or Brufocrema, Rusco gel, cream all'Ippocastano.
Before turning to individual reviews of products, some details:
- If you want to try the very first products EcoBio entirely, choose a time when you should not go home too, because the skin often takes several days to react 'positively' to the formulation of natural cosmetics. If the skin has been used in various silicones, paraffin and many other various schifezzine, could (not necessarily happen at all) to rebel against the first applications of the products EcoBio. However, this is 2-3 days, then the situation should stabilize. If not, it is likely that the product is not suitable for your skin type (something that happened to me).
1) Eye Gel all'Eufrasia - I do not I've never used eye in my life, but given my super dark circles in recent times, I decided to take this gel that serves as a moisturize the eye area, spread it, make it more smooth. The product is contained in a jar with dispenser zic, very comfortable though perhaps goes a bit 'too much product. The application is simple, just apply the gel around the eyes until it is completely absorbed, usually makes a schiumettina white is still massaging asssorbita. The scent is pleasant. Needless to say I'm very excited about this fantastic product, really. My eye always very dark and red, are much more clear and not at the first cry mercy look. This is the first thing I noticed, perhaps much of the moisturizer! but it is certainly true that just because the moisture helps the stretch immediately feel a sensation of freshness unique paradise for people like me who always has the feeling of tired eyes and heavy.
2) Hamamelis Cleansing Milk - This is the perfect cleanser for my skin. E 'suitable for combination skin and delicate, not overly fat, the consistency is right, not too thin not too dense, it smells very good. Spread it is indeed a pleasure, it is soft and fluffy and just very little to the face. When washing the skin reddens in the least, Indeed, it remains very soft and smooth, moisturized. I recommend it to those who can not bear very much aggressive products that are filled with red blotches face.
3) Cream Aloe and Azulene - I state that with the cream, I messed in full, the wrong choice. Aloe and Azulene cream is suitable for sensitive skins that react to stimuli such as temperature changes and emotional changes, is a cream suitable for easily irritated skin. It has a really nice color the blue, right consistency, the application for this product will require minimum quantities. I choose the wrong because, although I realize that is a good product, good cream on my skin has created a mess, or a myriad of red dots under the skin. The reason is easily explained, my skin needs hydration to the limits of the impossible and this cream does not help me in this. It 's true, I have sensitive skin that reddens easily, but probably this is not my main feature. Putting this cream really felt that the skin did not want to absorb it, so that remained throughout the day with a layer of patina very annoying and strange. It 's a good cream for those who suffer very much because it protects against external influences, just that its protective action has prevented my skin to breathe, or hydrate. But only recommended for sensitive skin, I would not advise you to pelli miste.
4) I campioncini:
- Brufocrema - L'ho scelta proprio come campioncino per poterla applicare solo sui brufoli che ogni tanto mi spuntano fuori :) la utilizzo di sera perché il giorno renderebbe la pelle troppo sensibile ai raggi solari, applicandola esclusivamente sui maledetti brufolazzi super arrossati. E' una buonissima crema, agisce magnificamente, in una notte sfiamma i brufoli che è una meraviglia.
- Crema all'Ippocastano e Ruscogel - Metto insieme questi due prodotti perché il ruscogel lo stendo sempre prima dell'applicazione della crema all'ippocastano, quindi non so distinguere l'azione singola dei due products. I must say that together help to make my rosacea light much less evident, but nothing so blatant, that is just my rosacea is a very light and therefore do not know .. a lot of differences, however, are two excellent products, I will apply it only on the cheeks and a little on the nose at night before going to sleep, wake up in the morning as soon as any redness on the face. Certainly recommended for those suffering from rosacea. In general
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Good Food For Ulcers 2010
Tag: Sai tenere un segreto?
Tonight I will not write any reviews and no advice, I've been tagged by Federica on his blog My Beauty Tools, and then say happy:) this is a tag in which I reveal 7 Secrets about me .. let's see what I can pull off.
1) I have a notebook where I write all the tips and do-it-yourself recipe for creams, masks ecc. trovate in rete, magari poi faccio una foto per farvelo vedere :) sul quaderno scrivo anche i miei consigli personali come promemoria..quindi in pratica quello che scrivo qui in realtà l'ho già scritto su carta..il quaderno è di quelli della pigna nature con tutti i fiorellini e fruttini, io li adoro non so perché. Ok non ve ne frega nulla ma io l'ho detto ormai :)
2) La mattina non faccio praticamente mai colazione con il latte, bensì bevo succo di frutta, possibilmente alla pesca che è il mio preferito, oppure carota arancia e limone, il cosiddetto ACE :) non mangio niente perché appena sveglia l'ultima cosa che sopporto di fare è proprio mangiare, mi da la nausea. Non prendete by me because if there is one thing that is good is certainly doing a pretty healthy and generous breakfast. By the way, I will soon post the nutrition .. has nothing to do with the secrets I know:)
3) Usually after watching a horror movie, before going to sleep maybe, under the control bed in the closet and there is 'something' or 'someone' is absurd .. I know, but they are not and never will be a person labeled as 'normal': D
4) I keep the boxes and boxes presents, is a real fix. For me, the box is part of the gift and then I could never throw it away. Even I got to keep the bags plastic and paper that contained the gift ..
5) There are days when I just let go .. that is not put creams, do not treat my hair, I'll fill of the show, I'm still in my pajamas, I do not go running .. I do not believe to be the 'only to have an impact like this, but in fact when I sometimes feel bad about myself. I thought things like this were the prerogatives of American film, in which the protagonist in the days when low mood is more one eats whole cans of ice cream on the couch with the TV on, and are not like that ..: D
6) does not matter if there are 50 degrees to 45 degrees in the shade or sun, I will always cold. Over of the day there is a time when I did not say at least once the phrase 'I'm cold'. I usually have cold even at sea.
7) I'm afraid of the dark. I know I'm 'big' and I should not have, but it's more reassuring habit of sleeping with the lights on rather than off. I can sleep in total darkness only on weekends when my boyfriend comes to me, other days I always keep my bedside lamp on.
Finished:) Well I'm not really secrets, but I made a huge effort to find something to write. I advantages anyone who wants to do this little test , just to pass the time. Now I go, good night, kiss *
Tonight I will not write any reviews and no advice, I've been tagged by Federica on his blog My Beauty Tools, and then say happy:) this is a tag in which I reveal 7 Secrets about me .. let's see what I can pull off.
1) I have a notebook where I write all the tips and do-it-yourself recipe for creams, masks ecc. trovate in rete, magari poi faccio una foto per farvelo vedere :) sul quaderno scrivo anche i miei consigli personali come promemoria..quindi in pratica quello che scrivo qui in realtà l'ho già scritto su carta..il quaderno è di quelli della pigna nature con tutti i fiorellini e fruttini, io li adoro non so perché. Ok non ve ne frega nulla ma io l'ho detto ormai :)
2) La mattina non faccio praticamente mai colazione con il latte, bensì bevo succo di frutta, possibilmente alla pesca che è il mio preferito, oppure carota arancia e limone, il cosiddetto ACE :) non mangio niente perché appena sveglia l'ultima cosa che sopporto di fare è proprio mangiare, mi da la nausea. Non prendete by me because if there is one thing that is good is certainly doing a pretty healthy and generous breakfast. By the way, I will soon post the nutrition .. has nothing to do with the secrets I know:)
3) Usually after watching a horror movie, before going to sleep maybe, under the control bed in the closet and there is 'something' or 'someone' is absurd .. I know, but they are not and never will be a person labeled as 'normal': D
4) I keep the boxes and boxes presents, is a real fix. For me, the box is part of the gift and then I could never throw it away. Even I got to keep the bags plastic and paper that contained the gift ..
5) There are days when I just let go .. that is not put creams, do not treat my hair, I'll fill of the show, I'm still in my pajamas, I do not go running .. I do not believe to be the 'only to have an impact like this, but in fact when I sometimes feel bad about myself. I thought things like this were the prerogatives of American film, in which the protagonist in the days when low mood is more one eats whole cans of ice cream on the couch with the TV on, and are not like that ..: D
6) does not matter if there are 50 degrees to 45 degrees in the shade or sun, I will always cold. Over of the day there is a time when I did not say at least once the phrase 'I'm cold'. I usually have cold even at sea.
7) I'm afraid of the dark. I know I'm 'big' and I should not have, but it's more reassuring habit of sleeping with the lights on rather than off. I can sleep in total darkness only on weekends when my boyfriend comes to me, other days I always keep my bedside lamp on.
Finished:) Well I'm not really secrets, but I made a huge effort to find something to write. I advantages anyone who wants to do this little test , just to pass the time. Now I go, good night, kiss *
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Adult Sault Arab Booty For Free
Balsamo Splend'Or - Cocco
Hello:) I'm going to write a review of Splend'or coconut , the balm perhaps best known thanks to the enormous publicity given to so many girls on the Internet just recently. This balm costs 0.99 cents. (In some super and also a € a € something .. never over anyway) and has a format 300 ml. I think you can find in any supermarket and for this reason, coupled with price and size, is recommended by many. I feel the Council not only for these reasons but also for the Inci, good enough (except for preservative), and especially for his action. E 'indicated for long hair and rebellious, and prone to frizz or curls , I think it is also suitable for straight or wavy hair naturally . Why do I say this? So go on, I noticed that too does not weigh hair , feeds them without being too aggressive, it gives a result of softness that can be enjoyed by all types of hair . It has a fairly liquid consistency for a balm, when I started using it this was the only thing a bit 'bothered me, but later I realized that washed out thanks to its liquid consistency to the Splend'or Coconut can also be used for cowash. What is COWASH ? is a method of washing learned more about the angle and lola hair fairy in practice is to wash the hair with a shampoo Splend'or like, but add granulated sugar, brown sugar and coconut flour, in this way: I take a
Ci sono i conservanti rossi più 3 allergeni gialli. C'è da considerare che sono comunque nelle ultime posizioni, quindi sicuramente meno presenti. In definitiva, non essendo un balsamo con siliconi e petrolati vari, lo trovo un prodotto very reliable, then any opinion is subjective, we know this:) I'm going to kiss *
Hello:) I'm going to write a review of Splend'or coconut , the balm perhaps best known thanks to the enormous publicity given to so many girls on the Internet just recently. This balm costs 0.99 cents. (In some super and also a € a € something .. never over anyway) and has a format 300 ml. I think you can find in any supermarket and for this reason, coupled with price and size, is recommended by many. I feel the Council not only for these reasons but also for the Inci, good enough (except for preservative), and especially for his action. E 'indicated for long hair and rebellious, and prone to frizz or curls , I think it is also suitable for straight or wavy hair naturally . Why do I say this? So go on, I noticed that too does not weigh hair , feeds them without being too aggressive, it gives a result of softness that can be enjoyed by all types of hair . It has a fairly liquid consistency for a balm, when I started using it this was the only thing a bit 'bothered me, but later I realized that washed out thanks to its liquid consistency to the Splend'or Coconut can also be used for cowash. What is COWASH ? is a method of washing learned more about the angle and lola hair fairy in practice is to wash the hair with a shampoo Splend'or like, but add granulated sugar, brown sugar and coconut flour, in this way: I take a
- plastic bowl and add the inside of a large spoon Splend'or. If your hair is long and many of course you need to increase the dose to 2-3 tablespoons.
- always add a spoon of sugar, flour and a sugar cane.
- last ingredient to add, the coconut flour, always a big spoon. At the end
- I mix everything with a spoon, trying to crush the sugar to mix well and do it with the balm is the coconut flour. Usually good stir for 5 minutes.
Aqua. Stearyl Alcohol . Cetyl Alcohol . Cocos Nucifera Oil . Achillea Millefolium extract . Tilia tomentosa extract . Chamomilla recutita extract . Althea officinalis extract . Malva sylvestris extract . Propylene Glycol . Cetrimonium Chloride . Citric acid . Parfum . Coumarin . Hexyl cinnamal . Benzyl alcohol . Methylchloroisothiazolinone . Methylisothiazolinone
Ci sono i conservanti rossi più 3 allergeni gialli. C'è da considerare che sono comunque nelle ultime posizioni, quindi sicuramente meno presenti. In definitiva, non essendo un balsamo con siliconi e petrolati vari, lo trovo un prodotto very reliable, then any opinion is subjective, we know this:) I'm going to kiss *
Friday, October 8, 2010
How Much Protein In A 12 Oz Ribeye
I Provenzali - Maschera Erboristica Semi di Lino
mask linseed of Provence is one of my favorite products for hair. This mask is a strong natural restructuring, and will do just fine in all those cases treated hair, brittle hair, split ends, subject to , stressed by external agents, and then dried, slightly raised (I have hair rather than near the skin and fat however buckets on the ends). It 's a product of plant origin then no petrochemical surfactants of any kind. Its not smell sends me into ecstasy, but it's all natural e quindi ci sono sempre passata sopra. La consistenza è abbastanza liquida per una maschera, ma accettabile. La sua azione, per quanto mi riguarda, non mi ha mai delusa: Utilizzo questa maschera una volta a settimana , la lascio agire sui capelli umidi per circa 30 minuti e dopo lavo normalmente i capelli. Il risultato immediato e anche a lungo termine è quello di capelli molto corposi e morbidi, estremamente lucidi, dall'aspetto (e non solo aspetto) sano e forte , questo a causa dell'ispessimento del fusto del capello dovuto all'azione rigenerante del prodotto che aiuta il naturale processo di produzione di cheratina . L'inci, è abbastanza buono, eccolo
For once, I do not feel bad posting a INCI:) ok those two red could have been avoided but they are ultimately two preservatives. The product is 200 ml and should be consumed within 24 months, but then had to put something. A super mask recommended therefore be more stressed by the hair, the hair is 'normal' but who need protection and prevention of against split ends.
A photo of the product is open:) More than a mask but it could almost seem like a balm applied to the hair is perfect, not runny and not too runny, indeed. I've almost finished and I'll buy it soon, I think it costs something like € 7 . I mean nothing so blatant or overly expensive. Now I'm going, good evening kiss *
mask linseed of Provence is one of my favorite products for hair. This mask is a strong natural restructuring, and will do just fine in all those cases treated hair, brittle hair, split ends, subject to , stressed by external agents, and then dried, slightly raised (I have hair rather than near the skin and fat however buckets on the ends). It 's a product of plant origin then no petrochemical surfactants of any kind. Its not smell sends me into ecstasy, but it's all natural e quindi ci sono sempre passata sopra. La consistenza è abbastanza liquida per una maschera, ma accettabile. La sua azione, per quanto mi riguarda, non mi ha mai delusa: Utilizzo questa maschera una volta a settimana , la lascio agire sui capelli umidi per circa 30 minuti e dopo lavo normalmente i capelli. Il risultato immediato e anche a lungo termine è quello di capelli molto corposi e morbidi, estremamente lucidi, dall'aspetto (e non solo aspetto) sano e forte , questo a causa dell'ispessimento del fusto del capello dovuto all'azione rigenerante del prodotto che aiuta il naturale processo di produzione di cheratina . L'inci, è abbastanza buono, eccolo
AQUA. Cetearyl Alcohol. CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE. Octyl stearate. BUTTER Butyrospermum Parkii. Triticum Vulgare. Panthenol. Linum usitatissimum ILO. PARFUM. Hexyl Cinnamal . limonene. Linalool . CITRIC ACID. Imidazolidinyl UREA
For once, I do not feel bad posting a INCI:) ok those two red could have been avoided but they are ultimately two preservatives. The product is 200 ml and should be consumed within 24 months, but then had to put something. A super mask recommended therefore be more stressed by the hair, the hair is 'normal' but who need protection and prevention of against split ends.
A photo of the product is open:) More than a mask but it could almost seem like a balm applied to the hair is perfect, not runny and not too runny, indeed. I've almost finished and I'll buy it soon, I think it costs something like € 7 . I mean nothing so blatant or overly expensive. Now I'm going, good evening kiss *
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Herpes Bump Under Eye
Equilibra - Aloe crema Viso
So, this creamy sauce of 'balance I bought it several weeks ago. I bought it despite the INCI he had not convinced at all. Many girls have hailed this cream and for this reason I wanted to buy the series if we do not bang your head are not happy. But first things first:) First of all, the tube is 75ml , rate around 9 euro if I remember correctly . Aloe Face Cream contains aloe to 40% , cold worked, with sunscreen (very low .. I guess it is not specified), moisturizer, nourishing, anti-aging soothing and protective properties. It 's a cream free of paraffin and mineral oil . So far, it might seem really good cream, pity though that the negative consequences are greater than the positive ones, this on my skin (mixed, sensitive, rosacea and principle with various impurities). What I liked this cream? basically two things. The first definitely speeds absorb and moisturize really not greasy face, is fresh and even though it may seem leggerina acts seriously. Second, its action during the day : Immediately after application, the skin looks red and even more imperfections you notice much after a while 'but the color starts to comply, the texture of the skin together, the active circulation, in short, his face seems to light up everything and gives a touch of 'healthy' that never hurts. What I did not appreciate this cream? Several things .. unfortunately three in particular: In the long run the aloe cream had 'filled' small little holes in my skin disaster giving birth here 'and' dots minuscolissimi of blacks. The imperfections after two weeks of application were and are still there .. only now that I'm using it for a few days a pimple boring that I carry around just 15 days is shrinking and drying up. The INCI unconvincing despite not contain paraffin and mineral oil, also has dimethicone, BHT, parabens .. in short we see the ingredients.
22 green, 11 red, 4 yellow. The 10 reds are really bad. Not to mention that Chitosan is made from the shells of crabs, red, and it is better not to add more. I found that the intention on the part of the balance was good, but the wording of this cream is wrong .. I do not mean much, but what's the 22 substances putting green and 11 red, but red loooong red? so there is no balance. not recommend it then, for the reasons listed above, including incidence (mainly for the INCI). I do not think I'll finish using it because even on the hands it off for a few days I came to the strange red dots. If you really want to try it, better not to use it on oily skin or mixed, tending to fat.
So, this creamy sauce of 'balance I bought it several weeks ago. I bought it despite the INCI he had not convinced at all. Many girls have hailed this cream and for this reason I wanted to buy the series if we do not bang your head are not happy. But first things first:) First of all, the tube is 75ml , rate around 9 euro if I remember correctly . Aloe Face Cream contains aloe to 40% , cold worked, with sunscreen (very low .. I guess it is not specified), moisturizer, nourishing, anti-aging soothing and protective properties. It 's a cream free of paraffin and mineral oil . So far, it might seem really good cream, pity though that the negative consequences are greater than the positive ones, this on my skin (mixed, sensitive, rosacea and principle with various impurities). What I liked this cream? basically two things. The first definitely speeds absorb and moisturize really not greasy face, is fresh and even though it may seem leggerina acts seriously. Second, its action during the day : Immediately after application, the skin looks red and even more imperfections you notice much after a while 'but the color starts to comply, the texture of the skin together, the active circulation, in short, his face seems to light up everything and gives a touch of 'healthy' that never hurts. What I did not appreciate this cream? Several things .. unfortunately three in particular: In the long run the aloe cream had 'filled' small little holes in my skin disaster giving birth here 'and' dots minuscolissimi of blacks. The imperfections after two weeks of application were and are still there .. only now that I'm using it for a few days a pimple boring that I carry around just 15 days is shrinking and drying up. The INCI unconvincing despite not contain paraffin and mineral oil, also has dimethicone, BHT, parabens .. in short we see the ingredients.
22 green, 11 red, 4 yellow. The 10 reds are really bad. Not to mention that Chitosan is made from the shells of crabs, red, and it is better not to add more. I found that the intention on the part of the balance was good, but the wording of this cream is wrong .. I do not mean much, but what's the 22 substances putting green and 11 red, but red loooong red? so there is no balance. not recommend it then, for the reasons listed above, including incidence (mainly for the INCI). I do not think I'll finish using it because even on the hands it off for a few days I came to the strange red dots. If you really want to try it, better not to use it on oily skin or mixed, tending to fat.
Monday, October 4, 2010
How Much Is Levonelle
Cura della pelle - Prodotti e trattamenti
Hello:) I'm about to write the post that will cover more skin care, including treatments that I would advise as a result of a truly difficult and''dramatic''with certain products on the market. So, first of all, it's okay to say that just as the hair, the skin needs products with ingredients that are not fake benefits. What I'm talking about in particular? yet silicone (dimethicone - Cyclopentasiloxane - cyclomethicone and other ingredients that end in - one), but not limited to, liquid paraffin (paraffinum liquidum) petrolatum (petrolatum), substances such as BHT, BHA (and the letters in upper case then the PEG-PPG and other numbers included), preservatives in general. Other substances that do not remember but we read in 'INCI however with a little' effort to recognize the memory, I refer to this debate on ' angle lola where exactly are accurately listed chemicals to be avoided in the synthetic products for the face and body (even the cosmetics of course). Clarified once the ingredients to avoid go directly to the remarks. It 'almost impossible find a cream that has not even one of these ingredients in supermarkets, and supermarkets and perfume. Unfortunately not. My decision to avoid and discard all those products that contain hazardous substances and fake benign (such as silicon) is due once again to direct experience I had with the products of famous brands, as I said at the beginning of post experience rather 'dramatic' because I thought of doing good to my skin by using certain products and instead I just ruined and, more recently, to the point that irritated me to be born red pimples totally unjustified (I was not in the premenstrual period, I had not eaten food will heat or heat or drink dairy products, I was not too stressed out). So, once again, the decision does not come from 'a fad' love for the creams and products EcoBio, but a real fear of not 'live' and 'breathe' my skin. The vast majority of products that I used contained silicones. The silicone skin clog pores favoring the emergence of pimples and blackheads (brufolazzi wicked very red and very painful), creating a patina to make it look slicker on the skin soft and healthy. But then, when you wash your face at night and go to bed, you fall asleep in a quiet, and the next morning you are off and a pale face surrounded by red dots super obvious .. well is not the peace of mind. Now, it is obvious that these cosmetic problems are nothing compared to other more serious problems, but basically a girl or a woman, however, if it is also the worry that the cream will result in his face or body, what is holding of safe and relaxing? I have many passions but in the morning and evening, or the alarm clock and moments later before going to bed, are just sacred and dedicated to the care of the body. I like to spend some time to devote to my skin with creams and another for months now .. but these moments do not have it anymore. Of course I said and nominated many times but the creams INCI bad this speech also covers various Cleansers, toners , soaps, bubble bath , sunscreens and many other products. Here is a speech vs. synthetic. bioecological. Here is a discourse of healthy skin e.. How can I call it, fake leather? altered skin? this is all about. Personally I'm not made me change the skin from products that cost a figure and give a disastrous result (including pharmaceutical creams). It may be that many girls find themselves rather well with the various petrolatum and silicones (very strange), but unfortunately the crime is and remains: The skin will be yours, but a skin, even a patina 'Temporarily' sound, or bright, or smooth etc.. (Me among other things has never failed a skin as well). People the choice. I have mine done and I'm here to try and make known to other girls that everything around us is often not what it seems.
Are there alternatives to the products of large retailers? Sure! you can buy online (after I finished writing the post I make a list of sites in the right column of the blog) or type Naturasia stores, herbalists and other stores that still do not know.
Are there alternatives to the use of products and bio-ecological and chemical / synthetic? For this question, a positive response:) Yes, fortunately there are remedies and do-it-yourself with fruit, yogurt, honey, sugar, oil and whatever else can do good to our skin. But do not abuse this method.
I think I've said it all .. or maybe I missed something, but now I go it's time for lunch:) * kiss
Hello:) I'm about to write the post that will cover more skin care, including treatments that I would advise as a result of a truly difficult and''dramatic''with certain products on the market. So, first of all, it's okay to say that just as the hair, the skin needs products with ingredients that are not fake benefits. What I'm talking about in particular? yet silicone (dimethicone - Cyclopentasiloxane - cyclomethicone and other ingredients that end in - one), but not limited to, liquid paraffin (paraffinum liquidum) petrolatum (petrolatum), substances such as BHT, BHA (and the letters in upper case then the PEG-PPG and other numbers included), preservatives in general. Other substances that do not remember but we read in 'INCI however with a little' effort to recognize the memory, I refer to this debate on ' angle lola where exactly are accurately listed chemicals to be avoided in the synthetic products for the face and body (even the cosmetics of course). Clarified once the ingredients to avoid go directly to the remarks. It 'almost impossible find a cream that has not even one of these ingredients in supermarkets, and supermarkets and perfume. Unfortunately not. My decision to avoid and discard all those products that contain hazardous substances and fake benign (such as silicon) is due once again to direct experience I had with the products of famous brands, as I said at the beginning of post experience rather 'dramatic' because I thought of doing good to my skin by using certain products and instead I just ruined and, more recently, to the point that irritated me to be born red pimples totally unjustified (I was not in the premenstrual period, I had not eaten food will heat or heat or drink dairy products, I was not too stressed out). So, once again, the decision does not come from 'a fad' love for the creams and products EcoBio, but a real fear of not 'live' and 'breathe' my skin. The vast majority of products that I used contained silicones. The silicone skin clog pores favoring the emergence of pimples and blackheads (brufolazzi wicked very red and very painful), creating a patina to make it look slicker on the skin soft and healthy. But then, when you wash your face at night and go to bed, you fall asleep in a quiet, and the next morning you are off and a pale face surrounded by red dots super obvious .. well is not the peace of mind. Now, it is obvious that these cosmetic problems are nothing compared to other more serious problems, but basically a girl or a woman, however, if it is also the worry that the cream will result in his face or body, what is holding of safe and relaxing? I have many passions but in the morning and evening, or the alarm clock and moments later before going to bed, are just sacred and dedicated to the care of the body. I like to spend some time to devote to my skin with creams and another for months now .. but these moments do not have it anymore. Of course I said and nominated many times but the creams INCI bad this speech also covers various Cleansers, toners , soaps, bubble bath , sunscreens and many other products. Here is a speech vs. synthetic. bioecological. Here is a discourse of healthy skin e.. How can I call it, fake leather? altered skin? this is all about. Personally I'm not made me change the skin from products that cost a figure and give a disastrous result (including pharmaceutical creams). It may be that many girls find themselves rather well with the various petrolatum and silicones (very strange), but unfortunately the crime is and remains: The skin will be yours, but a skin, even a patina 'Temporarily' sound, or bright, or smooth etc.. (Me among other things has never failed a skin as well). People the choice. I have mine done and I'm here to try and make known to other girls that everything around us is often not what it seems.
Are there alternatives to the products of large retailers? Sure! you can buy online (after I finished writing the post I make a list of sites in the right column of the blog) or type Naturasia stores, herbalists and other stores that still do not know.
Are there alternatives to the use of products and bio-ecological and chemical / synthetic? For this question, a positive response:) Yes, fortunately there are remedies and do-it-yourself with fruit, yogurt, honey, sugar, oil and whatever else can do good to our skin. But do not abuse this method.
- The famous sugar scrub and honey - I recommend it to those who have a fragile and sensitive skin too. To me it hurts a lot, for example, the times I've tried to do it all over her face was burning a lot, even in the hours following the 'Scrubb'. So now the only step in T-zone excluding facial cheeks.
- Masks nutrients and moisturizers - you can do with many ingredients, and using the fruit suited to our type skin (I hope to do a post on this). Perhaps the best known form is the one with honey, yogurt and egg yolk. It 's very simple and leaves the skin smooth and radiant. The argument masks do-it-yourself, however, is vast and needs a separate post:)
- natural Tonic - The natural tonic par excellence is the apple vinegar, I use (not too often because they do not I really love tonics) diluted with water (preferably distilled water) is not in excessive doses. Alternatively, the filtered chamomile is great for sensitive skin (always diluted with distilled water). These home-made tonics remember that have a maximum storage period of 3-4 days.
- Face cleansing - only once a week, not too stressed skin. It 's very important because it rebuilds the outer fabric of the epidermis. Currently I do after using the fumenti (steam) just scrub with honey and sugar in the T, form, do-it-yourself moisturizer, and the natural tonic.
- Cleaning - If you use a bar of soap to wash organic vegetables (basic pH) must be used immediately after the tonic to acidify the skin again. The soap should not be too aggressive and tonic not overly acidifying (many do come red blotches on his face). The cleansing milk, needless to repeat, should be gentle and do not contain the ingredients to avoid.
- Strucchi - The dilemma of many. So I do not I would advise to apply vegetable oils (olive, jojoba, castor or other) on the disk to remove the makeup to those with combination or oily skin (never tested). The oil clogs the pores in general, is too heavy. At best it can be used to remove make-up eyes. To remove make-up advice still a good cleansing milk.
I think I've said it all .. or maybe I missed something, but now I go it's time for lunch:) * kiss
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